Legal Form / Transportation Agreement

Upon enrolling my child(ren) in The Kids Connection, I hereby grant permission for my child(ren) in the following areas:

  1. Permission to leave the daycare premises under proper supervision of a Caregiver for transportation to and from school, neighborhood walks, and/or field trips in a parent, caregiver, or center owned vehicle.
  2. Permission for a Caregiver or Director to take whatever steps necessary to obtain emergency medical care, if needed. These steps and procedures may include but are not limited to the following:
    1. Call 911
    2. Attempt to contact a parent or guardian.
    3. Attempt to contact child's physician.
    4. Attempt to contact a parent or guardian through any of the persons listed on the registration form for emergency contact.
    5. If we are unable to contact you, we will do any or all of the following:
      1. Call another physician, or
      2. Have the child taken to a hospital emergency room in the company of a Caregiver or Director.
    6. Any expense incurred under item “a” or “e” will be borne by the child's family.
NOTICE TO PARENT/GUARDIAN: By signing this document you understand your obligation to pay for all days which you are contracted for, regardless of your child(ren) being in attendance or not. You agree to waive and release any claims for accidents, illnesses, or injuries that may occur at the center and agree that any expenses incurred because of accident/illness/injury at the center are to be borne by the child's family whether emergency transportation is required or not.
Names of the children(Required)
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY